Personal Injury Lawyers
San Fernando Valley
Region and Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Rear-End Truck Accident Lawyers Fighting For Justice

Our attorneys protect the rights of truck crash victims in California

Rear-end truck accidents can lead to devastating injuries, often leaving victims facing overwhelming medical bills and a long road to recovery. At Oaks Law Firm, our Los Angeles attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of truck accident victims in the San Fernando Valley, LA County, and throughout California.

Injured? We are here to help! We understand how to handle these cases and the unique challenges they present. Our goal is to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Why rear-end truck accidents happen

Given the fast-paced urban environment and dense traffic conditions in Los Angeles, areas with frequent stops and starts, such as intersections, traffic lights, and congested freeway off-ramps, are common sites for rear-end truck accidents. According to federal data, about 1 in 5 fatal truck accidents in California are rear-end collisions.

Rear-end accidents involving commercial trucks, where the truck is at fault, can occur due to a variety of reasons. These causes often revolve around the unique challenges associated with operating large commercial vehicles, such as their increased stopping distance and blind spots. Below is a list of common causes for rear-end truck accidents:

  • Driver fatigue: Truck drivers often work long hours, leading to fatigue and decreased reaction times. Drowsy driving can prevent truckers from responding quickly to traffic changes, increasing the likelihood of rear-end collisions.
  • Distracted driving: Distractions such as using a phone, eating, or adjusting the radio can divert a trucker’s attention from the road. Even a momentary lapse can result in failing to notice slowing or stopped traffic ahead.
  • Inadequate braking distance: Trucks require significantly more distance to come to a complete stop compared to smaller vehicles. If a truck driver follows too closely or doesn't anticipate traffic conditions, they may be unable to stop in time to avoid a collision.
  • Mechanical failures: Poorly maintained braking systems or other mechanical issues can contribute to rear-end accidents. Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring that commercial trucks can stop safely and effectively.
  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit or too fast for road conditions reduces the time a driver has to react to traffic changes. For trucks, speeding is particularly dangerous due to the vehicle's size and weight.
  • Poor weather conditions: Rain, fog, and other adverse weather conditions can reduce visibility and road traction, making it more difficult for truck drivers to stop in time. Drivers must adjust their speed and following distance to account for these conditions.
  • Inexperienced or untrained drivers: Operating a large commercial truck requires specialized training and experience. Inexperienced or inadequately trained drivers may misjudge stopping distances, overlook traffic signals, or fail to adjust their driving in response to traffic flow.
  • Overloaded or improperly loaded cargo: Excessive or unevenly distributed cargo can affect a truck's braking ability and stability, making it harder to stop quickly. Improper loading can also lead to shifting loads, which can cause accidents.

Trucking companies and drivers are required to follow strict regulations regarding operation hours, vehicle maintenance, and driver training to prevent accidents. However, despite these regulations, rear-end truck accidents still occur and often have significant consequences given the size and weight of commercial trucks compared to passenger vehicles.

Common tactics used to challenge rear-end truck accident claims

When pursuing a claim after a rear-end truck accident, victims often face significant challenges from insurance companies and defense attorneys. These parties may use various tactics to minimize liability and reduce the compensation owed, such as:

  • Disputing fault: One of the most common tactics is to dispute who is at fault for the accident. Even in rear-end collisions, where the following vehicle is typically presumed to be at fault, defense attorneys may argue that the lead vehicle's actions contributed to the crash. They might claim that the victim made a sudden, unexpected stop or that their brake lights were not functioning properly.
  • Minimizing injuries: Insurance companies often downplay the severity of the injuries sustained. They may argue that the injuries were pre-existing or that they were not caused by the accident. They might also challenge the necessity and cost of medical treatments.
  • Questioning causation: Another tactic is to question the causal link between the accident and the injuries. Defense teams may suggest that the victim's injuries were caused by another incident or that they are exaggerating their symptoms to obtain a larger settlement.
  • Delaying the claims process: Insurance companies may deliberately delay processing the claim to pressure victims into accepting a lower settlement. This tactic can be especially effective if the victim is facing mounting medical bills and lost wages.
  • Blaming road conditions: The defense may argue that poor road conditions, such as slick surfaces or potholes, were the primary cause of the accident rather than the truck driver's actions. They may attempt to shift liability away from the driver or trucking company.
  • Utilizing contributory negligence: In some cases, the defense may argue that the victim was partially at fault for the accident. In California, this can reduce the amount of compensation a victim can receive under the comparative negligence rule. For example, they may claim the victim cut the truck off, intentionally slammed on their brakes, or otherwise contributed to the circumstances of the crash.
  • Challenging the extent of damages: Insurance companies may dispute the extent of economic and non-economic damages claimed by the victim, including lost wages, pain and suffering, and future medical expenses. They might use their own medical experts to counter the victim’s claims.
  • Hiring private investigators: In some cases, insurance companies may hire private investigators to surveil the victim, looking for evidence that contradicts their injury claims. They may use surveillance footage or social media activity to argue that the injuries are not as severe as stated.

These tactics can be overwhelming for victims dealing with the aftermath of a rear-end truck accident, but our skilled lawyers are well-versed in countering these strategies. We work diligently to gather evidence, consult with medical and accident reconstruction experts, and build a strong case on your behalf. Our goal is to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses, despite the tactics employed by insurance companies and defense lawyers.

Contact a Los Angeles rear-end truck accident attorney for help

With offices in Sherman Oaks, Woodland Hills, and throughout California, our dedicated lawyers know how to investigate rear-end truck accidents, find the evidence necessary to build a strong case, and negotiate aggressively for maximum results.

If you were injured in a rear-end truck accident in a San Fernando Valley, LA County, or another California community, contact us for a free case evaluation. A member of our team is available 24/7 to listen to the details of what happened, answer questions, and explain your legal options for financial compensation and justice.

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