Personal Injury Lawyers
San Fernando Valley
Region and Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Bicycle Accident Lawyers Who Fight For Injured Cyclists

Our attorneys know how to hold negligent drivers in LA accountable

Many people enjoy the sunny weather and pleasant experience of riding a bike here in Los Angeles, but that can change rather quickly if you are struck by a negligent driver. Cycling in the San Fernando Valley offers a healthy and eco-friendly way to navigate the city, but it also comes with risks.

Injured? When a negligent driver causes a bicycle accident, the consequences can be severe, leaving cyclists with serious injuries and mounting medical expenses. We are here to help! Our experienced Los Angeles bicycle accident lawyers at Oaks Law Firm are here to protect the rights of injured cyclists throughout California and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

We understand the unique challenges faced by injured bicyclists in LA County and are committed to fighting for the compensation they deserve. For example, our case results include a $200,000 recovery for a bicycle accident victim.

Whether you're dealing with insurance companies or seeking justice in court, we have the skilled lawyers and determination to protect your rights and secure a fair outcome.

Types of bicycle accident claims we handle in LA County

Our bicycle accident lawyers have experience with all types of crashes involving cyclists, including but not limited to:

  • Rear-end collisions: This type of accident occurs when a vehicle hits a bicycle from behind, often due to inattention or misjudging speed, risking severe back and spinal injuries to the cyclist. The driver is typically at fault for not maintaining a safe distance.
  • Backing-out accidents: These happen when a driver pulls out from a driveway or parking spot without noticing an oncoming bicyclist, causing potentially serious injuries through sudden impact. The driver is often liable for not checking the path before moving.
  • Vehicles passing too closely: When a vehicle passes a bicycle without leaving sufficient space, the cyclist is at an increased risk of being sideswiped or forced off the road. Injuries can range from minor to severe, and the driver can be held liable for not maintaining a safe passing distance.
  • Opening car doors ("Dooring"): This involves a vehicle's door being opened in the path of a bicyclist, causing a collision. Cyclists may suffer from a range of injuries, and the person opening the door is usually considered liable.
  • Intersection accidents: Failure to yield is a common cause of intersection bicycle accidents. This type of accident usually involves a negligent driver who failed to yield to a cyclist’s right of way at an intersection, leading to a severe crash. The party failing to yield is generally held responsible, with cyclists often suffering grave injuries.
  • Hooks and crosses: Hook and cross accidents refer to mid-turn collisions. "Right hook" accidents, for example, happen as a car turns right, colliding with a cyclist traveling in the same direction. A "left cross" accident occurs when a vehicle turns left across a cyclist's path. The turning vehicle is typically at fault.
  • Driving under the influence, DUI: DUI involves drivers operating vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol, impairing their judgment and reaction times, often leading to catastrophic accidents with cyclists.
  • Distracted drivers: Drivers who are texting, using smartphones, eating, or otherwise diverting their attention are a hazard to everyone, especially vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Vehicles in bicycle lanes: Cars, trucks, and motorcycles should not use bicycle lanes, but it happens all of the time. A crash can occur when cars illegally enter or block bicycle lanes, forcing cyclists into dangerous positions. Typically, the driver is at fault for encroaching on the designated bike lane, risking collisions that can injure cyclists.
  • Side swipes: This type of bicycle accident occurs when the side of a moving vehicle collides with a cyclist, often due to improper lane sharing or not giving enough space. Injuries to cyclists can vary, with the vehicle driver usually held accountable for not safely sharing the road.

Common bicycle accident injuries

Bicycle accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, from minor scrapes to life-threatening conditions. The lack of protection for cyclists compared to motor vehicle occupants makes these injuries more severe and impactful. Trust our knowledgeable attorneys to get results. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained by cyclists in crashes involving negligent drivers:

  • Head injuries: One of the most serious types of injuries, head injuries can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Even with a helmet, cyclists are at risk of suffering significant head trauma in a collision.
  • Fractures and broken bones: The impact of a crash often leads to fractures, particularly in the arms, legs, wrists, and collarbones. These injuries can require extensive medical treatment and long recovery periods.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Damage to the spinal cord can result in partial or complete paralysis, affecting mobility and quality of life. Spinal injuries may also lead to long-term medical needs and rehabilitation.
  • Road rash: When cyclists are thrown from their bikes, they can suffer severe skin abrasions known as road rash. This injury occurs when the skin scrapes against the pavement, potentially causing deep wounds that require medical attention and carry a risk of infection.
  • Internal injuries: Internal bleeding and damage to organs can occur in high-impact collisions, sometimes without immediate symptoms. These injuries are life-threatening and require prompt medical evaluation and treatment.
  • Facial injuries: Accidents can result in facial fractures, dental injuries, and lacerations, leading to scarring, disfigurement, and the need for reconstructive surgery.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Sprains, strains, and tears in muscles, ligaments, and tendons are common in bicycle accidents. These injuries can cause significant pain and limit mobility, often necessitating physical therapy.

Communities with multiple deadly bicycle accidents in LA County

Fatal bicycle accidents occur about every other week in Los Angeles County. A deadly bicycle accident can happen anywhere, but some communities experience more bike crashes than others. According to federal data, LA communities where multiple fatal bicycle accidents have occurred include:

  • Los Angeles.
  • North Hollywood.
  • North Hills.
  • Pomona.
  • Reseda.
  • Woodland Hills.

Our bicycle accident attorneys in Los Angeles are committed to working tirelessly to secure fair compensation for serious injuries sustained by cyclists. To discuss your case and learn more about how we can assist, contact our offices in Sherman Oaks and Woodland Hills today to schedule a free case evaluation. A member of our team is available to hear from you 24/7. We are always here to assist you.

What to do after a bicycle accident in Los Angeles

Knowing what steps to take immediately following the accident can help protect your health and legal rights. Here’s a guide on what to do after a bicycle accident:

  • Ensure safety: Your safety is the top priority. If possible, move to a safe location away from traffic.
  • Call 911: Report the accident to the police and request medical assistance if needed. Even if you feel fine, it's crucial to get checked out by medical professionals, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  • Stay at the scene: Remain at the accident scene until the police arrive and you have exchanged information with the other party involved.
  • Exchange information: Gather contact and insurance information from the driver involved, including their name, address, phone number, driver's license number, and insurance details. Also, obtain contact information from any witnesses.
  • Document the scene: Take photos of the accident scene, including your bicycle, the vehicle involved, any visible injuries, road conditions, traffic signals, and relevant signage. These images can serve as valuable evidence later.
  • Speak to the police: Provide a factual account of the accident to the police, but avoid admitting fault or making speculative statements. Later, you will need a copy of the police report for your records.
  • Seek medical attention: Again, even if you think your injuries are minor, it's essential to see a doctor as soon as possible. Some injuries, like concussions or internal injuries, may not show symptoms immediately but can have serious consequences.
  • Preserve evidence: Keep your damaged bicycle, helmet, and any other gear as they are after the accident. These items can serve as evidence in your case.
  • Call your insurance company: Notify your insurance company about the accident. Provide them with the facts of the incident but avoid giving a recorded statement until you've consulted with an attorney.
  • Consult a bicycle accident attorney: Contact an attorney who has experience handling bicycle accident claims. They can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal process, and work toward securing the compensation you deserve. Contact Oaks Law Firm to learn how to get cash now for your injury claim.

Be heard. Contact a Los Angeles bicycle accident attorney today

If you were injured in a San Fernando Valley bicycle accident, it’s important to understand how to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. We can help. Contact Oaks Law Firm with offices in Sherman Oaks, Woodland Hills, and throughout California, for a free case evaluation to learn more.

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